Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT)

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT)

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) is a non-invasive treatment modality that utilizes sound waves to stimulate the healing process in the body. Here are key points about RSWT:

  1. Nature of Shockwaves: RSWT involves the use of shockwaves, which are not electrical shocks but physically generated sound waves. These shockwaves occur when an object, in this case, a small projectile device, reaches the speed of sound and hits the impact head that is applied to the area of treatment. The energy produced by these shockwaves is harnessed for therapeutic purposes.

  2. Healing Acceleration: The primary goal of RSWT is to accelerate the healing process in the body. The shockwaves stimulate healthy metabolism and improve blood circulation in the treated area. This, in turn, promotes the gradual regeneration and healing of damaged tissue.

  3. Effective for Chronic Conditions: RSWT is particularly recognized for its effectiveness in treating chronic muscle and tendon conditions, specifically tendinosis. Tendinosis is the chronic form of tendonitis, characterized by long-term degeneration rather than acute inflammation.

  4. Conditions Treated: Common conditions treated with RSWT include Tennis elbow, Achilles tendinosis, and calcific tendinosis of the rotator cuff (shoulder). These are chronic conditions that have persisted for more than three months since their onset.

  5. Treatment Regimen: The typical treatment regimen involves 4 to 6 sessions, spaced out once per week in conjunction with active exercises. This structured approach aims to achieve optimal therapeutic benefits over a series of sessions.

  6. Storz Shockwave System: The clinic employs a Storz shockwave system for RSWT. This system is manufactured in Switzerland and is considered to be the world's most advanced shockwave technology. The choice of this technology reflects a commitment of healthOne to using state-of-the-art equipment for patient care.

  7. Research Basis: RSWT is well-researched and has scientific evidence supporting its efficacy for certain conditions. This provides reassurance to patients regarding the validity and reliability of the treatment.

It's important for individuals considering RSWT to consult with healthcare professionals to determine its suitability for their specific condition. While RSWT shows promise for certain chronic musculoskeletal issues, individual responses to the treatment can vary, and a comprehensive assessment is essential for appropriate care.